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Lower Taxes.

President Trump needs our Help! I plan to be the man to be there for him.

I plan on supporting him to lower our taxes, and decrease our national spending addiction.

  The current Officeholder wants to allow the bureaucrats to be in control of our money, and spend it the way they want, not the way we need. I say this is a typical Democrat policy - Big Government! I say let's stop the Tax theft that Big Government encourages. I say we lower taxes for the average taxpayer to below the Corporate Tax.

The garbage question from my opponents to this idea will be "How do you pay for this?" The answer is simple. We don't, it's OUR Money! If Democrats and my opponents are so worried - cut the Big Government Programs that waste money by 25%. 

The Pareto Principle or the 80/20 rule explains the waste within our government and the best reasoning for us to deal with overly burdensome bureaucracy that has infested our country.   As the Principle states: 80% of all the work is done by 20% of the workers.  These swamp monsters must be stopped.   If we eliminate just 25% we are only beginning the cuts.  According to the Principle we can triple the amount!

I am not anti-bureaucracy as much as I am ANTI-WASTE!  We can do away with crazy experiments such as wondering how shrimp act on a treadmill as was showcased so many years ago.  These types of behaviors are symptoms of a larger disease - unchecked bureaucratic and wasteful spending.


I believe in a ZERO based budget.  I believe that EVERY DEPARTMENT needs to justify the spending of the money that so many of us sacrifice our hard earned income to send to Washington!


Paid for by: Vote Big- Vote James Baldini
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